People say that losing weight is no walk in the park. When I hear that I think, yeah, that's the problem. ~Chris Adams
Hellooooo ladies!!!
I'm sure by now you have done 3 things:
1. Laughed at my quote. I mean, come on- it makes a whole lot of sense, right!?
2. Counted how many "o"s I deemed necessary for the word Hello... and if you haven't you're tempted to, now. (there's 5)
3. Wondered what the heck I'm talking about in my title... and you no doubt think I'm a giant alcoholic.
Well, girls- The answer is "No, I am not an alcoholic, I just have no weights!!"
Here is me after my workout, bearing all of my workout essentials:
That's right- The Firm with this Rebekkah chick, and 2 bottles of Cruzan Rum!
First off, let me just say that Rebekkah is a giant skank. I don't know about any of you, but when I work out I want to know that the person on the video is in as much pain as I am. THis lady, on the other hand, is Little Miss Happy-Go-Lucky. It's enough to make you sick. That, and she has a way of putting way too much emphasis on her "R"s, which I find crazy annoying.
Second, go ahead and sue me for not owning a proper pair of weights. The closest thing I could nab was two empty bottles of Cruzan; The only pair of anything I own besides socks... and I guess heels... At any rate, they worked out GREAT!!!
The moral of my workout-tale is this: It doesn't matter if you're using something completely unorthodox to workout with. The important thing is that you are taking charge of your body and WORKING OUT!!
That, my dears, is pretty damn impressive in and of itself. If any one wants to give you crap about it, just sock 'em in the mouth with your impressive new guns. :)