Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Lady Doesn't Reveal Her Weight


That is my current weight. I have been fluctuating back and froth between 135 and 140. Obviously, I am at the peak of that fluctuation at the moment, and I'll be damned if I'm going to let myself go over that 140 mark.

I weighed myself yesterday (and again about 30 seconds ago) "just to see."

I am so unhappy with my weight.

Right now is the time to do something about it. I can go for a jog, I can cut back the junk in my diet, but I can't seem to figure out how to motivate myself.

Enter all of you.

I need all of your help to keep me on track, and I will do the same for you.

As we approach the dreaded season of eating fatty foods and sweets "just because," we are all going to need to have a network of people who are going through similar struggles.

So here is my new resolution: I will lose 9.8 pounds. I will keep those 9.8 pounds off. I refuse to let food ruin my 20's by letting it take over my body and hijack my weight.
Any and all support any of you are willing to give will be returned 10 fold!

I know I can count on you ladies!! Happy start of this Dreaded Season of Food!! ;)


  1. Breast feed- it does wonders ;) heehee- or try out my new workout video downstairs- you can customize!

  2. Ok Miss, Here's my support: Lets report back once a week to see how we're doing. we can hold each other responsible for at least trying to eat healthy and work out. Deal?
