Saturday, July 27, 2013

Lungs Aflame

Please hold while I collect the fragments of my lungs which are now splattered all over State Center.

Holy. COW. Who knew I was so out of shape!? When I ride my bike, I can go all over town and feel a little burn in my thighs- and I thought THAT was bad.... I am so naive.

In order to prepare for the Color Me Rad 5k in October, I mapped out a plan to get my butt in gear and get my run on. Too bad I had no idea how completely horrible this first outing would turn out.

Clearly, I'm exaggerating. I wasn't chased by any animals (wild or domesticated), I didn't nearly get run over by a car, nor was I honked or screamed at, and I obviously made it back to my apartment without dying. However, my legs are shaking like a leaf. Other than that (and the searing pain in my lungs), I have come out of my first run unscathed.

See? No blood, no carnage- just some wonderful health benefits!!
For my first run, I went 1.26 miles (in about 17 minutes). Oops! So I need a little bit of work- who cares!? That's the whole point of me training for this 5K. Anyone who thinks they can go from their couch to a 5K in a day is out of their mind. I'm completely okay with seeming like a completely worthless crap bag for the first couple of weeks. I plan on sticking it out and getting this done.

In order to track my run, I downloaded an app onto my Galaxy S3 called RunKeeper. It lets you listen to whatever music app you choose to use during a run (I use Spotify), but will interrupt to tell you when your warmup is over, how long you've been running and how far you've gone, and will even track how many approximate calories you're burning. This little gadget even reminds you when your next workout is, so there's no "oh I forgot" excuse. It then gives you the option of posting to your Facebook or Twitter accounts so others can track your progress, and even lets you set goals! My first goal is to lose 8 pounds by my brother's wedding. (8 lbs. on a 5'1" girl shows up hard core.) Check it out!! (It's FREE!!!)

After my lungs stopped feeling like they were collapsing (its been 15 minutes and I still can't breathe correctly, but we'll ignore that), I proceeded to do 45 pushups, 45 crunches, and 45 reverse crunches, because hey- if my lungs feel like hell, I might as well feel like hell all over, right!?

Now, I will drink some Naked Juice and make some grilled chicken with onions and mushrooms for an early dinner.

Until we sweat again!


  1. Brittany McAlexanderJuly 27, 2013 at 3:52 PM

    Is this the race on October 5? I'm planning on being there as well! :)

  2. It sure is!! We'll have to meet up for some pictures!!
