I know for a fact that I have posted this quote in another format before, but I feel this is necessary for today's post..
I am not a runner by any means, but here's what I need you to remember about this picture:
The getting angry part; Angry that your body won't do what you know it's capable of doing; Angry that you're pushing as hard as you can, and you're not seeing the results you want.
Today, the workout I did was SUPER simple to understand.
7 Minutes, As Many Rounds As Possible
3 Clean and Jerks
3 Toes to Bar
6 Clean and Jerks
6 Toes to Bar
9 Clean and Jerks
9 Toes to bar
Before we began, we were doing squat cleans. This is where I first started to get frustrated. I'm trying to remember to pull my body up out of the squat, and straighten myself up before pulling the bar up, and only pulling it up enough to slip myself under it in a squat, but to pull it up with enough force that it just sort of floats in the air for a second (with weights on it, mind you), and jump my feet out 2 inches (ONLY 2 inches) when I land in the squat, and to keep my elbows up when I land in the squat....
Feeling the frustration yet?
After realizing that I just need to work on my front squats for awhile, I spoke with the trainers and was told to just break apart the clean for the workout- so I would do a power clean, then a squat, then up to a jerk. It would be a killer workout, but I could focus on the movements.
This is when my knee started to be a total jack ass.
For those of you that know, my knee was injured almost 5 years ago at Camp Dodge during some training. When I put too much stress on my knee, the pain comes out again full fledged. I start doing the front squats and cue the splitting pain through the back of my knee cap. Then, when I go to do Toes to Bar, I can't get my body to fold up to allow my toes all the way up to the pull up bar.
At this point, I am so pissed that I'm almost crying, wanting to throw my weighted bar, just angry that my body was betraying me and not showing the amount of effort I was putting into the workout. The workout ends with a 1000 meter timed row, which was honestly my saving grace. (That was about the only part of the workout that I wasn't swearing like a sailor.)
After I finished my row, I spotted Trishia, my completely fantastic yoga instructor, and all was saved. That yoga class was completely relaxing and the savasana was EXACTLY what I needed.
(Trishia, you are fantastic and can never be replaced.)
The one thing I kept hearing today, from everyone else, was that I needed to quit being so hard on myself. I kept expecting so much from my body, and when it didn't do exactly what I wanted, I got upset, rather than just listening to my body and taking it down a notch. Both trainers told me to quit bend hard on myself, several other people working out said it to me, and it took Trishia telling me to listen to my body during a very particular yoga pose for me to stop and notice that I was pushing way too hard.
So I'll leave you with this one:
Until we sweat again!