Monday, March 11, 2013


Go turn on Scream and Shout by Will.I.Am and The Britney Spears.
For no other reason than it being a freaking phenomenal song.

Hello there, my interweb friends!!

I know, I know. That last time I blogged was a month ago. However, in that time I've been working a full time job and let's all be real- I am incapable of accomplishing more than one job at a time, and working out can feel like a full time job sometimes.

I have successfully maintained my weight (although I'm not sure how because good lord can I go through a basket of onion rings...) but I have been told by my lady doctor that its in my best interest to keep on workin' it out like a BOSS because a) a healthy lady is always attractive, and b) I am past the age where eating fried foods and sitting on my ass is a good combo.

At 23: I never thought I'd still look this good.
I never thought I'd feel this sexy.
I never thought I'd look in a mirror and actually say out loud "damn I'm small."

Now, some of you might disagree with me, and to you I say, "I'm not working out to please YOU. I'm doing it for ME. And to ME, I look damn fabulous."

*Steps off soap box*

TODAY: I did the "I Love My Arms" workout, since as a bartender you see my arms moving all over the place, and no one wants to tip a flabby arm.

That's what's up!!!

I also did 100 jumping jacks, 50 butt kicks, 50 high knees, 40 lunges, and 40 squats. (My butt is going to be PHENOMENAL.)

What have you done lately to make yourself look HOT???

Let me know, kidlets! Until we sweat again!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Amanda!

    I stumbled across your website from an odd search on Google. After reading some of what you have posted, I may have some advice on getting in better shape.

    You can use a guy's upper body routine in working out as long as you do it solely for toning purposes. I've seen many women build just enough arm muscle for the obvious bulge, but not so much definition. Once they reach that stage they stop building muscle mass and work on toning it.

    As for the abs, you can work them all day, everyday and they will never become fatigued. A strong abdomen strengthens yours back tremendously. I should know, I have loaded and unloaded many types of trucks in my life.

    A 45 minute cardio session in the morning will get your blood flowing well for the rest of the day. You can alternate between jumping rope, bicycling, jogging, running, swimming, etc. Personally, I enjoy swimming the most.

    More importantly than all of this is getting enough sleep and eating healthy. When I can get them, I eat apricots quite often. Cantelope is the second healthiest fruit you can eat next to it. Fruits and vegetables need to be your focus. Meats are good, but you can over do it and develop some bad reactions such as gout for red meat, pancreas poisoning from too many muscle types or too much of other types of seafish. Moderation is the key for that, too. Drink lots of water. Fruit juice is okay as long it's not concentrate of any kind.

    You may know most of this already. I just thought I'd let you know some of what I know. As for your, ahem, "blessing", well... be thankful you aren't any bigger. I'm sure there are many women who wish they have what you have.
